Cat. No.
Cat. No.
Cat. No.
1 2 0 V AC 6 0 HZ
• Re co m m e n d e d fo r
a re a s p ro n e to “ fa lse ”
a la rm s; n e a r k itch e n s,
b a th ro o m s, h e a tin g
d u cts; o r in a n y sm a lle r
a p a rtm e n t o r h o te l
ro o m s.
Photoelectronic sensing chamber
Generally more effective at detecting slow smoldering fires
Fully insect screened sensing chamber
Interconnectable up to 18 multiple station BRK alarms
Prevents insects from entering sensing chamber, reducing unwanted alarms
Unit detects smoke, identifies itself and sends alarm signal to other units
connected in series
“Quick-Connect” wiring harness
Oversized mounting bracket
Allows faster and easier connection to AC power
Mounts to any standard electrical junction box up to 4” octagonal without
screw removal, Covers drywall cut-outs better
Red LED/ Light indicates unit is receiving AC power
During an alarm, the red light on the unit that initiates the alarms goes out
while the others stay on
5919TH also has a 135˚ fixed heat detector
(See wiring diagram on reverse)
Often spec’ed in Military housing and hospitals
85dB piezo alarm horn
Manual test button
Listed to UL 217
Provides audible notification of fire
Tests all detector functions
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